Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Making The Best Designer Homes

Long gone are the days when only Interior Designers are asked to decorate a Model Home to sell. Builders are now seeking out other resources to perform the same task for less money. Who are these people? Home Stagers!

Home Stagers specialize in transforming cold, uninviting and unsold houses into warm and welcoming homes. They do so with an acquired skill set of knowing what a potential buyer is looking for and will design the home accordingly. The result, homebuyers saying, "I love it, this is the one!"

As a Home Stager myself, I have encountered many home builders that simply cannot afford the previous traditions of hiring an Interior Designer or a Model Home Decorating company to get their homes show ready. These companies have extremely high markup for their designer appeal. By nature Home Stagers are forced to be extremely resourceful, as they are used to working with a home seller's small budget. They know the best places for furniture and accessories and come armed with designer discounts to boot.

It's important to remember that the point of preparing the model home is to sell it. There is a big difference between decorating a home to taste and staging for the largest group of potential homebuyers. Home Stagers have an edge in this area. They look at all areas of the home and seek out the best features to emphasize and the other aspects that may need to be downplayed to catch the buyer's attention. Stagers also pay attention to demographics so they know whom they are staging the house for. It must appeal to the largest potential audience or it is useless.

Whether it be a large luxury homes, town homes, condos, or smaller single-family homes, Home Staging is where it's at for providing the most appeal for the least amount of money. With the market slowing down, especially in Florida, now more than ever is the time to save money and sell homes!

Karla Davis is the owner of Florida Home Staging & Redesign, a company that specializes in transforming unsold housed into inviting homes. She serves the Orlando and Central Florida area educating her clients on what buyers are truly looking for in a home, and creating spaces that appeal to a large group of potential buyers.

Karla is a notable speaker praised for her exciting and informative seminars, and has been inverviewed on radio shows nationwide. She was a featured speaker at the Orlando Home show speaking on "Home Staging for the Serious Seller!" Her articles have been published nationally and in newspapers as well as the web.